I just love the mornings when I can get a few chores done and then sit down with a cup of tea for a quiet time all by myself. Ahh… it’s really nice and peaceful, but…
This is more often what quiet time looks like
Or like this. My Bible sitting open somewhere in the hope that I will be able squeeze in a few verses here and there between getting children fed, changed, snuggled, read too, ect…
Before kids it was so much easier, quiet time was actually quiet, but, unfortunately, I didn’t always do a great job of prioritizing my quiet time.
Now I am in the stage of noisy and needy children for most of my waking hours. I love it I really do. I know that this season is short and that I will miss my girls wanting to snuggle with me, and I really want to do my best to cherish this time with them. But all to often I find myself feeling frustrated or resentful when one or both girls wake up early. I think I didn’t get “my time”. And there is the problem right there, “my time”, what a selfish thought. Quiet time isn’t supposed to be “my time” it’s time with God. It’s not about me, it’s about God: and building a deeper relationship with Him.
I think of Jesus as he sought times to be alone with God, Matthew 14:13b-14 “he, withdrew form there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” He didn’t get annoyed or tell them to leave. He looked at them with compassion.
Dear Lord help me to look at my children in love and compassion even when they are “interrupting” my quiet time. Because really, they are not an interruption. God has given them to me, and my primary job is wife and mother. To be a helpmate to my spouse and to nurture my children.